Opara uses a mix of interactive, print and web skills in his projects. He currently is with Pentagram in New York and has completed projects with The Museum Tower, Oprah Winfrey, Jazz at Lincoln Center and much more.
Kidd’s primary work is book jackets. He currently works in New York City and has designed for Alfred A. Knopf and Pantheon. He received the International Center of Photography’s award for “Use of Photography in Graphic Design” in 1997.
Bierut is known as the humble mid-westerner of the design world. He has done projects with United Airlines, Benetton, Saks Fifth Avenue, Yale School of Architecture, the New York Jets and many, many more. He is known as an advocate for design and is a lecturer all over the world.
Casey’s work at MIT has been called legendary. She helped pioneer MIT’s Office of Design Services, as well as produced posters that were elegant, energetic, creative and considered iconic. Her posters are still an inspiration to other designers today.
Vignelli’s work includes package designs, furniture designs, graphic designing and much more. He produced work for American Airlines, IBM, Xerox and countless others. He is famous for his saying, “if you can design one thing, you can design everything.”
Brodovitch moved to the US from Russia to begin working with Harper’s Bazaar. He set the tone for the contemporary profession because of his in-depth work. He worked closely with photographers such as Avedon and Penn.
Bass is a jack of all trades. He has dabbled in both print design and movie animation. He has done work with United, Continental, United Way, the Girl Scouts and movies such as Psycho, Spartacus and many more.
Sagmeister is known for pushing the envelope. His work typically involves sexuality and humor. His most notable work is a poster he designed for AIGA, where he carved the text of the event into his skin and then photographed the result.
Scher began her career as the Art Director for CBS Records. Her portfolio includes poster, ads, packaging, signage and album covers. She has completed work for the New York Times Magazine, Target, Tiffany & Co. and Citibank to name a few. In 2000, she won the Chrysler Award for Innovation in Design.
Carson is well known for his originality. His style is placing type and images anywhere and everywhere on the page (up-side-down, over other images, etc). He has been referred to as the original “grunge” designer. He work in the magazine Ray Gun is still praised today.
Ansel is best known for her work with the New York Times Magazine, House and Garden, Vanity Fair and Vogue. She also created film titles for many books and directed fashion campaigns for Versace and Karl Lagerfield.
Matter’s precise style was seen in his work as a poster designer for the Swiss Tourist Office, as well as his work with Container Corporation of America and Knoll. His successful career also included teaching at Yale and work as a photographer.
Lois is well known for his work with MTV and VH1. He directed work for Jiffy Lube, USA Today and ESPN. His best work is said to be the numerous covers he oversaw for Esquire magazine.
Rand’s work with IBM, ABC, UPS and Westinghouse are his most notable contributions. Despite is formal design training, he self-taught himself, as he felt that his formal training was not stimulating.
Glaser co-founded the New York Magazine and was responsible for the creation of the, I love NY logo. He later formed WBMG (a publication design firm) where they did work for LA Times, Boston Globe, Time and others.
Lustig uses contemporary design in his practice. He has completed projects in book design, magazines, interiors and textiles. He felt that every designer needed to use a holistic approach to their work and applied it to every aspect of his career.
Bassman was known for her contemporary style. Her talents were seen in the magazine Junior Bazaar, as well as throughout her photography career, where she did commercial portraits of models.
Pineles began her career at Vogue, Vanity Fair, Glamour, and Seventeen. Her drive, passion and motivation made her the women of design. She was the first women to be asked to join the Art Director’s Club and was inducted into their Hall of Fame.
Thompson’s talent for color, composition and letter forms is relevant in his work with overlays. He has done projects for companies such as Rogers, Kellog, Mademoiselle and Stillson, as well as taught at Yale. He worked in New York City for 60 years.
Lubalin is arguably recognized as the grandfather of typography. He ability to create graphics through the use of type has influenced graphic design for years. During his career, he completed work for Eros, Fact, and Avant Guarde. He was also named Art Director of the Year in 1962.