Previously, Svetlana Kandybovich from ELT-CATION wrote a guest post for me on Tekhnologic. This week, it was my time to write a guest post for her.
“The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.”Michael Altshuler
[Image credit: Greedy Pics]
A 60-year-old woman was arrested after exceeding her allotted three minutes of speaking time at a California city council meeting. She had the whole 3 minutes for her speech, while I have just about 20 seconds to introduce my guest today – Tekhnologic. 99.9% of readers will now ask: Why 20 seconds?
It takes a reader about 20 seconds to scan a blog post and choose “should I stay, or should I go”;
A hug that increases oxytocin which can make you a lot happier and fill you in with positive emotions should last at least 20 seconds (A good read with practical ideas for your classroom with an added bonus of 7 fantastic 20-second timers for PowerPoint presentations available for free download is of equal effect…
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