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The Ultimate Guide To Training Your AI Drivers In ETS2

How you train your driver will directly impact how much profit he or she earns for your company in Euro Truck Simulator 2 (ETS2).

So while it’s all too easy and tempting to leave them on a ‘Balanced’ training from the start, don’t.

Training them properly is probably a little hassle, but guess what ? It is certainly one that pays off. In this guide I have outlined my own method in which I train my AI drivers. So let’s dive into it.

As you know there are six categories in which skill points can be assigned in the game. In decreasing order of significance they are :

  1. Long distance

  2. ADR

  3. High value cargo

  4. Fragile cargo

  5. Just in time delivery

  6. Ecodriving

You should assign skill points in the following way :

So why I have designed the training plan the way I have ?

To be frank, you can choose to completely skip this section. Simply because this part is not important unless you are an absolute ETS nerd. Instead I recommend you hop on to the comment section below and share your own story. We in the community love to hear them.

Yet if you are indeed interested to know why I have designed the training routine the way I have. Then here it is :

You see I consider ‘Long distance’ as the most important skill in the game. Both for my own driver profile and my AI drivers. Because if you are unable to travel in long routes. Earnings will always be limited. No matter how precious the cargo you are carrying is.

Hence I have used the first three points to ‘long distance’ skill. It will unlock deliveries of up to 850 km for you (or your drivers).

The next two points I have used to upgrade 1 rank each on ‘Fragile cargo’ and ‘High value cargo’. Even though I would have liked to obtain the ADR certificates at this stage, but having 1 rank each for ‘Fragile cargo’ and ‘High value cargo’ helps in obtaining ADR contracts in the stages that follows. Hence I have used these 2 points for them.

The next three points I have used for obtaining 3 ADR certificates. I recommend you to obtain ‘Explosives’ and ‘Flammable liquids’ certification. However you cannot control which ADR certification your drivers will get (Steam needs to change that to be honest).

The next 2 points I have again used for ‘Fragile cargo’ and ‘High value cargo’ one each for really increasing their ADR job credentials. Though it will also facilitate them to get better ‘Fragile cargo’ and ‘High value cargo’ jobs like tractors, diggers etc which has a high pay per kilometres themselves.

The next 3 points I have used to upgrade ‘Long distance’ skill. By now you (or your driver) has completed 6th level of ‘Long distance’, which means you (or your driver) can obtain jobs of absolutely any distance.

I have used the next point for getting 1 rank of ‘Just in time delivery’ but to be frank, you can use your next 6 points in upgrading your remaining ‘Fragile cargo’ and ‘High value cargo’ skills instead and then go and upgrade your ‘Just in time delivery’ skill.

But make sure you always put your very last 6 skill points in ‘Ecodriving’ which is the most useless skill in my opinion from the game perspective. Hence deserves the least attention even while hiring new drivers from recruitment agencies.

Time for you to share your own story :

In the comment section below, share with us how you built your own truck empire. My readers and I would love to know about it. And please do donate us to help continue running this blog.

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