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Finger Twister: A Classroom Quiz with a Twist


Finger Twister is a great game and it is easy to adapt and use in the classroom. Turn the introduction or review of new language into a fun game that the students will enjoy playing.

I recently read this article from Larissa’s languages. Larissa talked about how she used Finger Twister to practice keyword transformations in her class. I was really impressed by the idea, so I contacted Larissa and asked her if I could develop her idea into a PowerPoint game. Fortunately for me, she agreed.

If you are unfamiliar with Twister or Finger Twister, they are games developed by Hasbro. Finger Twister is a table top/travel version of the traditional Twister game. The PowerPoint template I created was inspired by the game but contains some quiz elements.


Click on the image or follow the link below to download the Finger Twister PowerPoint template.

Download the FINGER TWISTER PowerPoint template

There are 16 question cards and one menu slide in the template. The menu slide contains the spinner and a copy of the finger twister board.


The spinner differs slightly from the original Finger Twister as it includes all five fingers. The spinner is simple to use. Click on the spin button in the center to spin the arrow. Click again to stop the arrow to choose a finger and a colour.

Click on the color circles to go to the question cards. The question cards can contain keyword transformations, grammar questions, vocabulary questions or challenges for students.

The question cards contain a back button to return to the menu slide. Alternatively, click on the green circle to return to the menu slide.

FINGER TWISTER - Question Card

Example of a question card from the Finger Twister PowerPoint template.

In order to play Finger Twister in the classroom, you will need a Finger Twister game board. For large classes, you may need to create your own game boards. For small classes or one-to-one lessons, you can either create your own board or purchase a copy of Finger Twister.


Example of Finger Twister game boards.

I created my own Finger Twister boards in Microsoft Word and laminated them so that they were more durable. I needed approximately 15 boards because I teach classes of 30 students. An official set contains only contains one board and one spinner. Another reason I created my own boards was it allowed me to include the name of the colors (for color-blind students) in text as well as numbers that refer to different questions. For me, a customized board was more suitable for educational purposes.

All it takes to create your own game boards is some thick paper/card and some color pens. If you choose to purchase an official set, they are available from several online stores.

How to play Finger Twister

  1. Before the class, think of 16 questions or challenges for the students.

  2. During the class, divide your class into pairs.

  3. If there are odd numbers in the class, create a group of three and nominate one student to be the judge. (The judge can decide how good the answer is and which player places their finger on the board.)

  4. Determine who is player A and who is player B.

  5. Students can play using one or both hands. One-handed games are faster and more difficult. Two-handed games take a little longer but may be easier to play for the first time.

  6. Player A goes first.

  7. Player A can choose a finger and a color.

  8. Use the spinner on the PowerPoint template…

  1. …or use two dice to determine the finger and the color.

  1. Example – If Player A spins the wheel and gets ‘Index Finger’ and Green, Player A can then choose which circle they will place that finger on (number 1, 2, 3 or 4).

  2. If Player A chooses Green 1, click on the Green 1 circle on the PowerPoint and the student must answer the question or complete the challenge on that slide.

  3. If you choose not to use the PowerPoint template, the student must answer the question or complete the challenge on the Finger Twister Challenge Sheet.

FINGER TWISTER - Challenge Sheet
  1. If Student A completes the challenge or answers the question, Student B places their finger on Green 1.

  2. If Student A doesn’t complete the challenge or answers the question incorrectly, Student A must place their finger on Green 1.

  3. Player A and Player B alternate turns. Repeat the process described above.

  4. A player loses if they are unable to reach a color, if their hand stops touching the paper or if their hand falls.

Some additional rules

  1. If the same finger and color is chosen, the players must move to a new empty circle of that color.

  2. Only one finger can be placed on one circle.

  3. If all circles of one color are covered, the player must spin (or roll the dice) again.

Note: There is some strategy to the game. As the player’s opponent must place their finger on the board if they answer correct, players should consider which circle is more difficult for their opponent to reach.

Do you have any suggestions for playing Finger Twister?

Please leave a comment if you have any ideas you would like to share or if you have any questions about the template.

Alternatively you can send me a message on my Facebook page or on Twitter.

Thanks for reading and take care!


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Spinning Wheels are a great way of introducing an element of randomness into the classroom. They can be used for a number of games and they can also be used to determine the points students receive, the topic they are going to talk about or the question they have to answer.


Finger Twister was designed with Microsoft PowerPoint 2016. Animations and sounds may differ when opened in other presentation software.

Microsoft® Office® is a copyrighted product of the Microsoft® corporation.

All media that accompanies the Finger Twister template is for educational purposes only.

Twister and Finger Twister are copyrighted products that belong to the Hasbro corporation. The templates created here are adaptations for educational purposes and are in no way intended to replace official products.


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